
Showing posts from October, 2020

[30DWC] Day 28: This was a secret

Late night snacking is totally sinful but one could never help it. I'm going to share two of my secret snack recipes in which you just need a spoon to make it (no stove, no toaster, no microwave, just use your spoon kids *wink wink*). These are the ingredients: 1. Bread 2. Mayonnaise 3. American cheese 4. Ketchup/chili sauce 5. Fried shallots/onion a.k.a bawang goreng Steps: 1. Spread some mayo on your bread. For much more delight use kewpie and spread it evenly 2. Add fried shallots on top of your bread 3. Add some ketchup or chili sauce 4. Enjoy your meal! Repeat the steps for the second recipe but instead of adding fried shallots, you add american cheese on top. One slice should be enough. This is like the pre-grilled, grilled cheese I supposešŸ‘Œ

[30DWC] Day 27: Netflix original series

Below are on my list: The Politician Dynasty Designated Survivor Blacklist The Haunting of Bly Manor The Haunting of Hill House You How to Sell Drugs Online Orange is the New Black

[30DWC] Day 26: Improving

I'd like to improve my overall physical wellness by maintaining the regular exercise schedule and starts to cut down sugar intake before it is too late. Since March I feel like, I've been eating more sweets than the usual which leads to weight gain and more of unhealthy indulgence. Until one day I decided to buy this huge yoga matt on Ebay coz my friends been doing yoga and they kind of influence me to do so. I started to add yoga and meditation on my morning routine for the past months but then work came so I stopped doing that. I shall start doing those again now that I'm done with workšŸ‘

[30DWC] Day 25: Keyword "light"

She was the chaser of the light Remain unbothered by the height Thou it was too far from her sight She would keep running, and recite Poems about the knight Seems that were much trite Until its time to say goodnight

[30DWC] Day 24: I've learned that

Losing something or someone is awful But there and then I get to know myself more I get to figure out the person I really was and the person I've become To learn that they stay for a short period Nothing ever lasts There are also days when loss became a normal thing And those days are always riskier than ever Because once I feel unaffected by it, that would be the end

[30DWC] Day 23: To You

Who is in pain right now Who is exhausted from trying to figure things out Who is sleepless tonight Remember that you are still a human Who feel, cry, crash and burn Who love through heartbreak and live through loss Do not be so hard on yourself Do not be afraid if you're alone Do not keep it all by yourself My sweet darling You are strong, you always come back stronger than before You are not alone since we are reaching out for each other You can do it because I too believe in you And you owe it to yourself- to be happy and well

[30DWC] Day 22: Shuffled Playlist

Aoi Teshima -  ꜝ恔é£Æć®ę­Œ Kazumi Nikaido - 恄恮恔恮čØ˜ę†¶ Joe Hisaishi - åø°ć‚‰ć–ć‚‹ę—„怅 Azumi Inoue -  ćØćŖć‚Šć®ćƒˆćƒˆćƒ­ Yumi Arai - ć‚„ć•ć„ć•ć«åŒ…ć¾ć‚ŒćŸćŖ悉 Yumi Arai -  ćƒ«ćƒ¼ć‚øćƒ„ć®ä¼č؀ Satoshi Takebe - The Latin Quarter Priscilla Ahn - I am not Alone Yuji Nomi - Song of Baron Joe Hisaishi -  ęµ·ć®č¦‹ćˆć‚‹č”—   Yes these are all come from my Ghibli PlaylistšŸ‘

[30DWC] Day 21: To them

To be adventurous To not lose hope To believe in yourself To be selfless and thoughtful To take the high road and always be polite

[30DWC] Day 20: 3 Celebrity Crush

1. Ezra Miller stands at the top. HAVE YOU SEEN HIM WITH HIS BAND?! AND HIS ACTING?! Not to mention that he's such a sweetheartā¤ 2. Bang Yongguk came on second place. He's the source of my ķž˜ throughout high school yearsā¤ 3. Keanu Reeves. I wasn't fond of him at first until one day my mom talked about his career and seconds after I was smitten :( I admire him soooooo muchā¤

[30DWC] Day 19: First Crush

The story of HRL's first crush.  Highschool years was... Tiring. School last 8 hours a day, pile of homework and not to mention after school activities. Thank god she had friends who also felt the same. Until one day they started to talk about crushes, there stood HRL with confusion written all over her face and to tell you the truth she never had one before. At 3 or when the bell rang to be exact (which had always been her happiest moment), there she spotted him walking across the hallway. A boy was walking with his friend. He's tall, taller than her obviously. He always wore a black jacket with hoodies on (his signature look, I should say). He has a lean build - not too thin, but because of his long legs he looked almost proportional. Split seconds after she smiled to herself.  Days later she found out his name, which class he's in and his line. A senior - social studies who happened to have same art class schedule with her on Friday. And that's where the story began ...

[30DWC] Day 18: 30 Facts

I was born on October 21, 1999 Which makes me a Libraā™Ž First child and first granddaughter from my mom side Wear glasses since 1st grade (it is indeed inherited) Fav colors: monochrome. It has to be both black and whiteā˜Æ Lucky number? 7 Has this habit of staring at the night's sky and talking to the moon Fav scents: brewed coffee and toasted brioche Fav ice cream flavors: either coffee or straciatella Back home she has 3 shelves full of her books (only hers) Has one annoying little bro who's 18 months apart Pick one flower! Edelweiss Clueless when it comes to romance Obsessed with Ghibli Studio Hobbies including writing, humming, cooking and overthinking lol Hoodies collector Listen to jazz, city pop, musicals, 70's disco, kpop and RnB Movies of all time? All the Bright Places, Lalaland, Call Me by Your Name Celebrity crush: Ezra Millerā¤ Certified fangirl of Bigbang, SJ, Seventeen and Bang Yongguk Despise Fish so much. I have Ichthyophobia Picky eater indeed (can't eat ...


To you my dear I wrote this because you're special And thank you for coming to my life I'm sorry I wasn't there at the last call And you have to be alone again.. My hands started to feel numb as I tried to recall our times together Split second after I felt nothing You've gone far away to find peace Asleep like those princesses that you like so much But awake, finally free from the voices You've had never wanted anyone to mourn when it's time For "I am nothing to you and so do you" But you were and still are something to me You've had always said all the good things don't last forever That ephemeral stands clearly in front of us but we refuse to see it But you my dear... You remain engraved in me You've had always declared people are like riddles.. Indecipherable codes Case waiting to be solved or maze longing to be explored That you'd rather bundled yourself up in blanket  But in the end you'd decipher those codes on all grounds To...

[30DWC] Day 17: Am I a Libra?

  Does it fit me? Well.. Straight cross the first traits since I don't desire popularity (for now lol). Attention to details? I'd say 4 out of 5 chances.  Move on to likes and dislikes: I hate getting attentionšŸ‘æ Imagine hundred eyes are paying attention to you in a room? Thank you, next. Fun fact: I have stage fright which also explain why. Criticism?? When I'm not in the mood to listen to one, slight criticism and I'd feel offended. But when my moods are fine tho, I'd feel thankful and get motivated by them.

[30DWC] Day 16: What I miss....

Indonesian dishes. That is my solid motivation to go back to IndonesiašŸ˜… There are lots of Indonesian restaurant in Berlin ofc but I miss the authentic abang abang gerobak indonesian dishes :( I even made a list of what do I want to eat once I'm back huhu. Ketoprak and Batagor stand at the very top of my longing towards Indonesian dishes. I mean... Two years away from them?? I even miss the way abang abang ketoprak pour water on his peanut sauce with one thumb half closing the lid (you guys know what I mean right???).  NOT TO MENTION INDONESIAN STREET FOOD a.k.a JAJAN!!! Gosh... I'll gain tons once I'm back but I don't mind tho xD

[30DWC] Day 15: Describe your style

A hoodie and jeans girl. I own almost 30 hoodies/jacket until now which mostly navy colored. Either that or a row of Autumn collection with white based shirt fit my taste perfectly. It should not have to be branded or expensive or come from a fancy boutique. When I'm attached to one, I'd wore them every single day. Yes. Every. Single. Day. Back then in Studienkolleg (college) I wore my HnM navy hoodie (insert pic here) almost every day and funny story I'd count how many twinning incident were there.

[30DWC] Day 14: All time fave - Movie edition

I could binge watch all of them days straight without complaining how boring the plots areā¤

[30DWC] Day 13: Exciting things (from HRL's POV)

Her Royal Licoriceness feel excited about almost everything that she's passionate about and or things that she enjoys. Like when the moon shows up then she started to google moon phases; or how the astronauts sleep at such tiny compartment on ISS. When it's time to socialize and the conversation whether it's deep or irregular sparks her interest. Movies with her favorite actors, directors in it especially musicals or Broadway. The universe of Disney and Ghibli which she'll never get tired of. Cooking or more likely experimenting foods lol. Binge watching Korean stuffs while practicing obviously 'gibberish Korean'. Berlin's night view also excites her at times when she has just got home from work, all tired and smelly lmao. The smell of freshly brewed coffee serves with french toast or maple syrup pancake.  When it comes to excitement, these two are essential as they come first above everything: Books and writing Whenever she needs time to be alone, there...

[30DWC] Day 12: The 5 blessings

My fams and their eternal supportā¤ My friends who also have always been there since foreverā¤ All of my children aka my booksā¤ Complete body parts which I am trying to take the best care ofā¤ Great environment to live and work inā¤

[30DWC] Day 11: What if...

What if those days I decided to discontinue my story... What was going on inside my mind? I'm telling you it was hectic. Nonstop chatter and confusion. I was practically tired with all the voices. I was just tired. That's all. But my mom is the first person who came and hit me with the fact that she also hang onto me. We hang onto each other. If I decided to let go, she has no one to hang on to.  But... What if someday I truly let go of her hand and be egoistic for once?

[30DWC] Day 10: I feel strongly about this

Bullying culture I feel strongly about bullying culture for many reasons. No one deserved to get bullied nor being a bully. Sometimes even when you're an adult, this could happen as I believe 'unintentional'. That is a solid reason why we should be more careful and mindful with words. Words are powerful, either they make you stronger or they hurt you. As sweet as honey but also as poisonous as venom.

[30DWC] Day 9: Some words of wisdom that speak to me

When it's time for you to love, you're going to love. The same way when it's time for you to hurt, you're going to hurt. Your life is perfectly balanced. You will hurt and love when it is necessary. Nothing more, nothing less A heart is a heavy burden  The only things you learn are the things you tame But you don't have to prove yourself to anyone other than yourself. You don't owe anyone anything

[30DWC] Day 8: Something I struggle with

I've always been struggling with my life. Hell... Everyone does. Especially when it comes to money. When you are miles away from your parents and they don't give you allowance at all, your brain surely gonna explode every time your bank account starts to decrease in amount. Plenty things to cover means lots to spend but where does the money come from? Apparently the pandemic only making it worse. If things were going back to normal, I would've been working since July then be at ease till the end of this year with my money. Thank god I found one and have been working there since September, all thanks to my job agentā¤ How much do I earn? It is enough to cover 2 months rent, assurance, foods, semester fee and I can save some for emergency fund. Once I move to Cottbus, an immediate part time job seeking is highkey needed so that I could finally go back to Indonesia and hopefully zero worries on money problems.... Up until before Sommersemester begin I presume..

[30DWC] Day 7: Current top 10 songs

Max - Blueberry Eyes Jake Scott - Keep in Touch Mac Ayres - Slow Down Rich Brian - DOA BTS - Dynamite Somi - What You Waiting For Backstreet Boys - Shape of My Heart Mac Ayres - Easy Jeon Mi Do - I know I love Yerin - ģ‚°ģ±…

[30DWC] Day 6: Ways to win Her Royal Licoriceness's heart

Number one: you can't unless you're my oppa. jk lolšŸ˜‚ I don't even know... I tried the love language test once, it says my love language would be act of service and quality time. Maybe through both of this?  You just have to be kind to yourself, open the conversation since me is super terrible at conversing or socializing to be exact.  BOOKS! Yes. Love books and coffee scent and night scenery. Forgive me when I starts to act cold, either I'm into doing something (too focus on doing something and made her forget that the world exist) or I'm too tired meeting a lot of people today (reminder she is 70% introvert, so she needs to recharge alone often) Try your best perhaps? Goodluck

[30DWC] Day 5: List 5 places I want to visit

Naples, Italy (to eat the original Pizza Margherita ofc!!) New York, USA (hopefully I could live and spend my life therešŸ˜€) The Moon? (Should be possible one day) Reykjavik, Iceland Coffee shops and bookstores around NYā¤

[30DWC] Day 4: Someone who inspire me

My mom She is the sole reason to survive. I would not be here right now if it isn't for her. She inspire me to be kind even though I still am somehow unkind to most people. She inspire me to be courageous, to not be scared of failing and getting hurts but little did she know I despised myself for still being such a coward. She inspire me to spend every minute learning something new, to not give up and solve every puzzle, to dream and aim high. I could probably write a thousand pages book about herā¤ 

[30DWC] Day 3: Top three pet peeves

People who constantly borrow my stationery. ON DAILY BASIS. Dude you can afford going on a trip somewhere EVERY WEEKEND but a one dollar pen seems too pricey for you??šŸ‘Ž People who keep telling their stories nonstop, don't let me talk for even a second and also do not give a single damn attention to my opinion. Yep buds keep talking, I'm just gonna let my mind wander off somewhere. Exception: My friends.  NOSY PEOPLE ARE UNWELCOME HERE. Like... Hell dude?! You are not my mom so why kepo so much ya??

[30DWC] Day 2: Someone told me this about myself and it is funny actually

"Mbaknya orang batak ya?"   A question came from the taxi driver as he wanted to initiate small talk just like any other days. It was a question not a statement. People always assume either chinese or javanese but never bataknese so I was shocked lol. Growing up small talk about race/ethnic group has never offended me but much to my surprise, how do you guess someone's race based on their appearance only?! Has it always been 100% physical appearance? Because honestly I could never tell

[30DWC] Day 1: 10 Things that make me happy

Morning coffee and toasted brioche scent Whenever I get to chat and play with my fams-friends Self reflection time with books Berlin night scenery from my room esp. in full moon OppasšŸ˜ Chocolate (current fave >> Ritter Sport Marzipan) Analyze a movie then reviewing the entire elements (80% obsessed with Mise en Scene) 2AM strolls at Spree Cooking and baking time on weekend Deeptalk sessionsā¤