[30DWC] Day 18: 30 Facts
- I was born on October 21, 1999
- Which makes me a Libra♎
- First child and first granddaughter from my mom side
- Wear glasses since 1st grade (it is indeed inherited)
- Fav colors: monochrome. It has to be both black and white☯
- Lucky number? 7
- Has this habit of staring at the night's sky and talking to the moon
- Fav scents: brewed coffee and toasted brioche
- Fav ice cream flavors: either coffee or straciatella
- Back home she has 3 shelves full of her books (only hers)
- Has one annoying little bro who's 18 months apart
- Pick one flower! Edelweiss
- Clueless when it comes to romance
- Obsessed with Ghibli Studio
- Hobbies including writing, humming, cooking and overthinking lol
- Hoodies collector
- Listen to jazz, city pop, musicals, 70's disco, kpop and RnB
- Movies of all time? All the Bright Places, Lalaland, Call Me by Your Name
- Celebrity crush: Ezra Miller❤
- Certified fangirl of Bigbang, SJ, Seventeen and Bang Yongguk
- Despise Fish so much. I have Ichthyophobia
- Picky eater indeed (can't eat boned chicken, seafood and beans)
- Prefer sweet over savory (by sweets I mean chocolate bars)
- Cold over warm
- Easily annoyed lmao. Most times I wouldn't tell but to my close friends, yes
- Speak bahasa, english and deutsch. Understand basics korean, chinese and italian.
- Over the past 4 years I've been identified as an INTJ
- 160cm tall with big bones (as much as I wish I have a lean build, again it is inherited)
- Dream to have a house with one complete kitchen and a small library with windowsill bed at the corner
- A loner
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