[30DWC] Day 18: 30 Facts

  1. I was born on October 21, 1999
  2. Which makes me a Libra♎
  3. First child and first granddaughter from my mom side
  4. Wear glasses since 1st grade (it is indeed inherited)
  5. Fav colors: monochrome. It has to be both black and white☯
  6. Lucky number? 7
  7. Has this habit of staring at the night's sky and talking to the moon
  8. Fav scents: brewed coffee and toasted brioche
  9. Fav ice cream flavors: either coffee or straciatella
  10. Back home she has 3 shelves full of her books (only hers)
  11. Has one annoying little bro who's 18 months apart
  12. Pick one flower! Edelweiss
  13. Clueless when it comes to romance
  14. Obsessed with Ghibli Studio
  15. Hobbies including writing, humming, cooking and overthinking lol
  16. Hoodies collector
  17. Listen to jazz, city pop, musicals, 70's disco, kpop and RnB
  18. Movies of all time? All the Bright Places, Lalaland, Call Me by Your Name
  19. Celebrity crush: Ezra Miller❤
  20. Certified fangirl of Bigbang, SJ, Seventeen and Bang Yongguk
  21. Despise Fish so much. I have Ichthyophobia
  22. Picky eater indeed (can't eat boned chicken, seafood and beans)
  23. Prefer sweet over savory (by sweets I mean chocolate bars)
  24. Cold over warm
  25. Easily annoyed lmao. Most times I wouldn't tell but to my close friends, yes
  26. Speak bahasa, english and deutsch. Understand basics korean, chinese and italian.
  27. Over the past 4 years I've been identified as an INTJ
  28. 160cm tall with big bones (as much as I wish I have a lean build, again it is inherited)
  29. Dream to have a house with one complete kitchen and a small library with windowsill bed at the corner
  30. A loner


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