[30DWC] Day 19: First Crush

The story of HRL's first crush. 

Highschool years was... Tiring. School last 8 hours a day, pile of homework and not to mention after school activities. Thank god she had friends who also felt the same. Until one day they started to talk about crushes, there stood HRL with confusion written all over her face and to tell you the truth she never had one before.

At 3 or when the bell rang to be exact (which had always been her happiest moment), there she spotted him walking across the hallway. A boy was walking with his friend. He's tall, taller than her obviously. He always wore a black jacket with hoodies on (his signature look, I should say). He has a lean build - not too thin, but because of his long legs he looked almost proportional. Split seconds after she smiled to herself. 

Days later she found out his name, which class he's in and his line. A senior - social studies who happened to have same art class schedule with her on Friday. And that's where the story began

Fast forwards she started to talk with him through line (not face to face since she's such a coward), though his replies were unique but she was ecstatic. High school days suddenly became excitement for her.

Days turned into months and she thought it was time to confess her feelings - or before he graduate, she thought so. Night after course, once she was home, she confessed her feelings through line which he easily rejected. But he was thankful and that's enough. She did not feel sad nor regret it, she was proud because if this stories were to be told someday, it'll just gonna be one foolish embarrassing moment on Highschool that will be added to her life journey.

Their stories end once she graduated from Highschool and told him that she'll pursue her dreams in Germany.


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