Does it fit me? Well.. Straight cross the first traits since I don't desire popularity (for now lol). Attention to details? I'd say 4 out of 5 chances. Move on to likes and dislikes: I hate getting attention👿 Imagine hundred eyes are paying attention to you in a room? Thank you, next. Fun fact: I have stage fright which also explain why. Criticism?? When I'm not in the mood to listen to one, slight criticism and I'd feel offended. But when my moods are fine tho, I'd feel thankful and get motivated by them.
Bullying culture I feel strongly about bullying culture for many reasons. No one deserved to get bullied nor being a bully. Sometimes even when you're an adult, this could happen as I believe 'unintentional'. That is a solid reason why we should be more careful and mindful with words. Words are powerful, either they make you stronger or they hurt you. As sweet as honey but also as poisonous as venom.
1. Ezra Miller stands at the top. HAVE YOU SEEN HIM WITH HIS BAND?! AND HIS ACTING?! Not to mention that he's such a sweetheart❤ 2. Bang Yongguk came on second place. He's the source of my 힘 throughout high school years❤ 3. Keanu Reeves. I wasn't fond of him at first until one day my mom talked about his career and seconds after I was smitten :( I admire him soooooo much❤
upgrade what. u messed everything up. not worthy living beings.