
Showing posts from August, 2020

About scars and healing

Yes I am no good of a person And so we hurt each other It hurts me to know even more And perhaps I should have never tried to be kind at all But what's the different if even a no good person could also get those scars Maybe it's not about good or bad It is about scars, wound and pain It is about healing and remedy How upsetting to know that this world likes to play jokes on us How distressing to know that we must learn the hard way How grateful I am to know that despite the downside, we are all still standing and get through it


Merupakan sifat manusia yang tak dapat dihindari. Terlalu sering menerpa hingga kita terbiasa akan hadirnya. Banyak cara mengatasi jenuh namun tentu yang terbaik dari segala pilihan adalah lari. Mencari pelarian hingga tak lagi jenuh lalu kembali; atau terus saja berlari tanpa harus berbalik hingga akhirnya rasa jenuh itu kembali. Menjadi dewasa memang tak ada ujungnya... Semua harus dialami agar tidak goyah ketika semesta mempermainkan diri.